What is the China Central State-Owned Enterprises: Latest Central SOEs Directory | 2024


In today’s globalized business environment, collaborations between foreign companies and Chinese enterprises are becoming increasingly frequent. However, due to the complexity of Chinese enterprises, particularly the differences between China State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and China Central State-Owned Enterprises (Central SOEs), many foreign business partners often find it challenging to accurately determine the type of Chinese company they are dealing with. Specifically, many Chinese companies often refer to themselves as Central SOEs (Chinese: 央企) or States SOEs (Chinese: 国企) in external communications, which further confuses foreign clients because they do not fully understand what these terms mean.

The challenge is further compounded by the fact that these Central SOEs often establish subsidiaries or joint ventures, making it even more difficult to ascertain their true background. Therefore, confirming whether the Chinese company you are collaborating with is genuinely a Central SOE becomes a critical issue in international business cooperation. Currently, China has 97 Central SOEs directly managed by the central government, and broadly speaking, including those managed by other central departments, the total number can reach 130. This article will delve into how to identify and confirm the nature of Central SOEs, providing practical guidance to help business partners make informed decisions in their collaborations.

China Central State-Owned Enterprise

The Core Significance of China Central State-Owned Enterprises

The origin of Central State-Owned Enterprises can be traced back to the early stages of China’s reform and opening-up. Among the earliest established Central SOEs was China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), which was officially formed in 1988. This marked the beginning of the central government’s concentrated management of key industries. Subsequently, with the continuous reform of China’s economic system, other significant state-owned enterprises in various sectors were gradually reorganized into Central SOEs, covering vital areas such as energy, telecommunications, finance, and infrastructure. Over decades of development, these Central SOEs have played a crucial role in China’s economy, growing stronger and gradually stepping onto the international stage. Today, there are 97 Central SOEs directly managed by the central government, and broadly speaking, including those managed by other central departments, there are 130 Central SOEs.

As of 2023, the number of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China is vast. According to public data, the total number of SOEs is estimated to be around 150,000. This includes various types of enterprises controlled by both the central and local governments. These enterprises are spread across the country, covering industries such as energy, finance, manufacturing, and telecommunications.

It is important to note that this figure includes both Central State-Owned Enterprises (Central SOEs) and local state-owned enterprises (Local SOEs). Central SOEs number approximately 97 (or 130 broadly), while local SOEs account for a larger portion, forming the bulk of the total SOEs. Simply put, Central SOEs are a subset of SOEs. They are part of SOEs but, due to being directly controlled by the central government, they occupy a higher tier and hold greater strategic significance within the SOE category.

Explaining the Legal Status of Central State-Owned Enterprises’ English Names

Currently, a common issue lies in the inconsistent English naming of Central State-Owned Enterprises:

The Legal Status of English Names: In China, the official name of an enterprise must be in Chinese, and the English name has no legal status. This means that English names cannot be used in official documents or legal matters, and they do not carry legal effect. This regulation has led to difficulties for foreign partners when verifying and referencing Chinese companies.

English Names of Private Enterprises: Private enterprises usually decide on their English names independently, primarily for international communication and business dealings. Due to the lack of standardized guidelines, the English name of a private enterprise may differ significantly from the translation of its Chinese name. This discrepancy can result in a significant difference between the English name and the company’s actual identity in international transactions.

English Names of State-Owned Enterprises: For State-Owned Enterprises, especially Central SOEs, their English names are typically standardized and strictly protected by relevant national departments. These English names are widely used in international business and must comply with national standards to ensure uniformity and authority in international affairs.

Resolving the Confusion Foreign Business Partners Have Regarding the English Names of Central SOEs

China Central State-Owned Enterprises Instant-Basic-Automated-Verification-Report-

When foreign clients or companies prepare to collaborate with Chinese companies, accurately identifying the name of the counterpart becomes crucial. Especially when the English name of the company differs from its Chinese name, this can lead to confusion. So, how can this issue be resolved?

First, it is recommended to use reliable verification tools, such as GWBMA’s MANUAL COMPANY VERIFICATION REPORT or INSTANT AUTOMATED COMPANY REPORT. When using the MANUAL COMPANY VERIFICATION, the report, verified manually, will provide the accurate English name of the target company, ensuring that the information you receive is precisely validated. However, if you choose the INSTANT AUTOMATED REPORT, since the report is machine-generated and sent to you within 3 seconds via email, the company’s English name in the report may only be a formal translation, which may not necessarily match the English name actually used by the Chinese company. This discrepancy can lead to misunderstandings, especially in the rapid handling of international transactions.

This difference between the English and Chinese names arises because a single Chinese company name can be translated into multiple different English versions, and these translations may vary in different contexts. To resolve this inconsistency, it is crucial to rely on the unique Unified Social Credit Identifier (USCI) assigned to each registered enterprise in China. This identifier is the company’s sole identification number, and regardless of changes in the English name, the USCI remains the definitive means of verifying the company’s true identity. Therefore, in cases of name discrepancies, the USCI is your reliable tool for verifying the company’s identity.

This approach ensures that foreign business partners can accurately identify their Chinese counterparts, avoiding confusion or misunderstanding due to inconsistent name translations. By doing so, international cooperation can become more transparent and efficient.


In today’s globalized world, understanding China’s Central State-Owned Enterprises (Central SOEs) is crucial for international business cooperation. Through this article, we have explored the definition, legal status, and methods to identify the true identity of Central SOEs. Particularly, when collaborating with Chinese companies, accurately identifying the company name is not only a matter of business trust but also a key factor in ensuring smooth cooperation. GWBMA emphasizes the use of the Unified Social Credit Identifier (USCI) as an effective tool for the final verification of a company’s identity, which not only resolves potential discrepancies between Chinese and English names but also provides greater transparency and reliability for international partners.

Below are the 97  Central SOEs. plus 33 additional enterprises, bringing the total to 130.

No Chinese Name English Name
1 中国核工业集团有限公司 China National Nuclear Corporation
2 中国航天科技集团有限公司 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
3 中国航天科工集团有限公司 China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation
4 中国航空工业集团有限公司 Aviation Industry Corporation of China
5 中国船舶集团有限公司 China State Shipbuilding Corporation
6 中国兵器工业集团有限公司 China North Industries Group Corporation
7 中国兵器装备集团有限公司 China South Industries Group Corporation
8 中国电子科技集团有限公司 China Electronics Technology Group
9 中国航空发动机集团有限公司 Aero Engine Corporation of China
10 中国融通资产管理集团有限公司 China Rongtong Asset Management Group
11 中国石油天然气集团有限公司 China National Petroleum Corporation
12 中国石油化工集团有限公司 China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec)
13 中国海洋石油集团有限公司 China National Offshore Oil Corporation
14 国家石油天然气管网集团有限公司 China Oil & Gas Pipeline Network Corporation
15 国家电网有限公司 State Grid Corporation of China
16 中国南方电网有限责任公司 China Southern Power Grid
17 中国华能集团有限公司 China Huaneng Group
18 中国大唐集团有限公司 China Datang Corporation
19 中国华电集团有限公司 China Huadian Corporation
20 国家电力投资集团有限公司 State Power Investment Corporation
21 中国长江三峡集团有限公司 China Three Gorges Corporation
22 国家能源投资集团有限责任公司 China Energy Investment Corporation
23 中国电信集团有限公司 China Telecommunications Corporation
24 中国联合网络通信集团有限公司 China United Network Communications Group Co., Ltd. (China Unicom)
25 中国移动通信集团有限公司 China Mobile Communications Corporation
26 中国卫星网络集团有限公司 China Satellite Network Group Corporation
27 中国电子信息产业集团有限公司 China Electronics Corporation
28 中国第一汽车集团有限公司 FAW Group Corporation
29 东风汽车集团有限公司 Dongfeng Motor Corporation
30 中国一重集团有限公司 China First Heavy Industries
31 中国机械工业集团有限公司 China National Machinery Industry Corporation (Sinomach)
32 哈尔滨电气集团有限公司 Harbin Electric Corporation
33 中国东方电气集团有限公司 Dongfang Electric Corporation
34 鞍钢集团有限公司 Ansteel Group Corporation
35 中国宝武钢铁集团有限公司 China Baowu Steel Group Corporation
36 中国矿产资源集团有限公司 China Mineral Resources Group Ltd.
37 中国铝业集团有限公司 Aluminum Corporation of China (Chinalco)
38 中国远洋海运集团有限公司 China COSCO Shipping Corporation
39 中国航空集团有限公司 China National Aviation Holding Company
40 中国东方航空集团有限公司 China Eastern Air Holding Company
41 中国南方航空集团有限公司 China Southern Air Holding Company
42 中国中化控股有限责任公司 Sinochem Holdings Corporation Ltd.
43 中粮集团有限公司 COFCO Corporation
44 中国五矿集团有限公司 China Minmetals Corporation
45 中国通用技术(集团)控股有限责任公司 China General Technology (Group) Holding Co., Ltd.
46 中国建筑集团有限公司 China State Construction Engineering Corporation
47 中国储备粮管理集团有限公司 China Grain Reserves Corporation
48 中国南水北调集团有限公司 China South-to-North Water Diversion Corporation
49 国家开发投资集团有限公司 State Development & Investment Corporation
50 招商局集团有限公司 China Merchants Group
51 华润(集团)有限公司 China Resources (Holdings) Company Ltd.
52 中国旅游集团有限公司 China National Travel Service Group Corporation (HK CTS Group)
53 中国商用飞机有限责任公司 Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd.
54 中国节能环保集团有限公司 China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group
55 中国国际工程咨询有限公司 China International Engineering Consulting Corporation
56 中国诚通控股集团有限公司 China Chengtong Holdings Group Ltd.
57 中国中煤能源集团有限公司 China National Coal Group Corporation
58 中国煤炭科工集团有限公司 China Coal Technology & Engineering Group
59 中国机械科学研究总院集团有限公司 China Academy of Machinery Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd.
60 中国钢研科技集团有限公司 China Iron & Steel Research Institute Group
61 中国化学工程集团有限公司 China National Chemical Engineering Group Corporation
62 中国盐业集团有限公司 China National Salt Industry Corporation
63 中国建材集团有限公司 China National Building Material Group Corporation
64 中国有色矿业集团有限公司 China Nonferrous Metal Mining Group Co., Ltd.
65 中国稀土集团有限公司 China Rare Earth Group Co., Ltd.
66 有研科技集团有限公司 GRINM Group Corporation
67 矿冶科技集团有限公司 BGRIMM Technology Group
68 中国国际技术智力合作集团有限公司 China International Intellectech Corporation Ltd.
69 中国建筑科学研究院有限公司 China Academy of Building Research
70 中国中车集团有限公司 CRRC Corporation Limited
71 中国铁路通信信号集团有限公司 China Railway Signal & Communication Corporation
72 中国铁路工程集团有限公司 China Railway Group Limited
73 中国铁道建筑集团有限公司 China Railway Construction Corporation Limited
74 中国交通建设集团有限公司 China Communications Construction Company Ltd.
75 中国信息通信科技集团有限公司 China Information Communication Technology Group
76 中国农业发展集团有限公司 China National Agricultural Development Group Co., Ltd.
77 中国林业集团有限公司 China Forestry Group Corporation
78 中国医药集团有限公司 China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation (Sinopharm)
79 中国保利集团有限公司 China Poly Group Corporation
80 中国建设科技有限公司 China Construction Technology Consulting Co., Ltd.
81 中国冶金地质总局 China Metallurgical Geology Bureau
82 中国煤炭地质总局 China National Administration of Coal Geology
83 新兴际华集团有限公司 Xinxing Cathay International Group Co., Ltd.
84 中国民航信息集团有限公司 China Aviation Information Corporation
85 中国航空油料集团有限公司 China National Aviation Fuel Group
86 中国航空器材集团有限公司 China Aviation Supplies Holding Company
87 中国电力建设集团有限公司 Power Construction Corporation of China
88 中国能源建设集团有限公司 China Energy Engineering Corporation Limited
89 中国安能建设集团有限公司 China Anneng Construction Group Corporation
90 中国黄金集团有限公司 China National Gold Group Corporation
91 中国广核集团有限公司 China General Nuclear Power Group
92 华侨城集团有限公司 OCT Group (Overseas Chinese Town Enterprises Co.)
93 南光(集团)有限公司 Nam Kwong Group Company Limited
94 中国电气装备集团有限公司 China Electric Equipment Group Co., Ltd.
95 中国物流集团有限公司 China Logistics Group
96 中国国新控股有限责任公司 China Reform Holdings Corporation Ltd.
97 中国检验认证(集团)有限公司 China Certification & Inspection Group

Note: On November 23, 2023, China Hualu Group merged with China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), becoming its subsidiary, reducing the total number of Central SOEs to 97.

  1. 中国国家铁路集团有限公司 – China State Railway Group Co., Ltd.
  2. 中国中信集团有限公司 – CITIC Group Corporation
  3. 中国投融资有限责任公司 – China National Investment and Guaranty Corporation
  4. 中国对外文化集团有限公司 – China International Culture Group Corporation
  5. 中国出版集团有限公司 – China Publishing Group Corporation
  6. 中国邮政集团有限公司 – China Post Group Corporation
  7. 中国广播电视网络有限公司 – China Broadcasting Network Corporation Ltd.
  8. 国家烟草专卖局/中国烟草总公司 – China National Tobacco Corporation
  9. 北大荒农垦集团有限公司 – Beidahuang Group
  10. 中国农业发展银行 – Agricultural Development Bank of China
  11. 中国进出口银行 – The Export-Import Bank of China
  12. 国家开发银行 – China Development Bank
  13. 中国工商银行股份有限公司 – Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
  14. 中国银行股份有限公司 – Bank of China Limited
  15. 中国建设银行股份有限公司 – China Construction Bank Corporation
  16. 交通银行股份有限公司 – Bank of Communications Co., Ltd.
  17. 中国出口信用保险公司 – China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation
  18. 中国人民保险集团股份有限公司 – People’s Insurance Company (Group) of China Limited
  19. 中国人寿保险(集团)公司 – China Life Insurance (Group) Company
  20. 中国太平保险集团有限责任公司 – China Taiping Insurance Group Ltd.
  21. 中国光大集团股份公司 – China Everbright Group Ltd.
  22. 中国华融资产管理股份有限公司 – China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd.
  23. 中国长城资产管理股份有限公司 – China Great Wall Asset Management Co., Ltd.
  24. 中国东方资产管理股份有限公司 – China Orient Asset Management Co., Ltd.
  25. 中国信达资产管理股份有限公司 – China Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd.
  26. 中央国债登记结算有限责任公司 – China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd.
  27. 中国农业再保险股份有限公司 – China Agriculture Reinsurance Co., Ltd.
  28. 中国政企合作投资基金股份有限公司 – China PPP Fund Co., Ltd.
  29. 国家融担基金有限责任公司 – National Financing Guarantee Fund Co., Ltd.
  30. 中国国际金融股份有限公司 – China International Capital Corporation Limited
  31. 中国银河金融控股有限责任公司 – China Galaxy Financial Holdings Co., Ltd.
  32. 中国人民银行 – The People’s Bank of China
  33. 中国投资有限责任公司 – China Investment Corporation
  34. 中国中央汇金投资有限责任公司 – Central Huijin Investment Ltd.
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