Trading Certificate: The Key Steps to Obtain It in China

Obtaining a Trading Certificate involves specific steps that must be followed even after you have registered a company under the name of a trading company. To successfully navigate this process, a Trading company typically needs to complete five crucial steps with various authorities following the company registration.”

This revised introduction directly incorporates the keyphrase “Trading Certificate” and sets a clear context for the article, explaining the necessary steps to obtain the certificate. The title places the keyphrase at the beginning, ensuring it matches Yoast’s recommendation for better SEO visibility. This approach should help improve the article’s search engine ranking and clarity for readers.

First of all, the Trading Certificate company in China shall go to the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) to register and put on record in the Customs and MOFCOM. Then the company can legally operate Import & Export activities in China.

Foreign Trade Registration Certificate (Unit put on record): Trading Certificate

Firstly, for the Chinese company engaged in the import and export of goods, you need to apply for the “China Foreign Trade Registration Certificate” and put it on record in the Commission of Commerce Bureau.

This is what the Foreign Trade certificate looks like:

Trading Certificate China

  1. Social Credit Code: This is the 18 digital unified social credit code of the company.
  2. Registration number:This is the official registration number of the company.
  3. Official company name: This is the registered company’s name in Simplified Chinese Language according to the Company Law.
  4. English Name of the Company 
  5. Organization Code
  6. Company registered Address
  7. Operating Address in Chinese
  8. Operating Address in English
  9. Phone, Fax, Postcode, Email
  10. Date of establishment: This is the date the business license was issued.
  11. Legal representative and the ID number
  12. registered Capital

Inspection and Quarantine Registration Form

Secondly, you need to apply for the Inspection and Quarantine and put it on record in the Customs Bureau. 

This is what the Inspection and Quarantine Form looks like:

Registration Certificate for Inspection china

Certificate for Inspection china – Trading Company License

Customs Registration Certificate (Declaration Unit)

Thirdly, you need to apply for the Customs Registration Certificate in the Customs Bureau. 

This is what the Customs Registration certificate looks like:

Registration Certificate of customs China

Certificate of customs – Import-Export Company

Import unit Administration Form of China Trading Certificate

Fourth, you need to put on the record of Import unit administration Form in the Customs Bureau. 

This is what the Import unit administration Form looks like:

Import unit Administration Form

Import unit Administration Form- Trading company

Trading Certificate: Electronic Port Card/China E-port Ukey 2020

Fifth, you need to apply for the Electronic Port Card in the Customs Bureau. 

Electronic port china

Import-Export Electronic port china – China Trading License

In 2020, the Electronic Port Card updated to China E-port Ukey in the Customs Bureau.

China E-port ukey 2020

GWBMA provides a professional company registration services for foreigners. We have a very strong relationship with the Municipal Commission of Commerce and the development zone. We provide one-stop service for you to start a business in China. 

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